Thursday, October 23, 2008


Paying attention to details can enhance your picture. It might be a good idea to make sure that the child's clothing is on correctly, or even on at all. Snaps on children's outfits can come undone easily making them look as if their parents may be a little careless while dressing them. You may also want to take a look at the background of the picture. While this picture demonstrates that my work space is not always organized, it also shows that I do in fact have an office in my house, we like Mac computers, and stacking books neatly is not really our thing. Fuss' eye direction also demonstrates that this picture really wasn't that important...if he were actually looking at something imparticular, this lack of good eye direction may have been a dramatic accent to the picture, but he is not so it just demonstrates poor photography on my part.


  1. Eye direction is SOOOO overrated. I mean, eyes are just the window to the soul, so "WHATEVER."

  2. I'm glad you're going a photo blog. I've often thought your other blog needs more photos and now I get them! :)


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